How “Unlearning” can increase leads
The Brief
Black Wolf was briefed to strategize, create, and implement a robust digital campaign, which inspired working professionals, high school leavers and college/university goers to join the Pearson Global fraternity of always learning. The goal was two-fold, to create a strong brand message appeal and ensure the correct digital ecosystem was implemented for diverse customer acquisitions.
In our research and persona planning, we unpacked key insights to stay relevant in today’s ever-changing career stages. We led the campaign under the banner #Unlearn. This sentiment, based on human insight, allowed us to play in a more emotive space with motivational headlines, that cut through any obstacles learners may have felt about studying further.
The Creative Strategy
Unlearn was the campaign narrative that spoke to the fears, doubts and limitations we place on ourselves. The messaging inspired the view to overcome these insecurities and limitations and to keep learning.
The campaign explored how we all can ‘Unlearn’ some of these entrenched habits and made use of insightful campaign lines and creative executions which promoted a positive connection and in return an action to explore (un)learning.
In 3-weeks, our team worked to develop the strategy and implemented the campaign during the highest intake period of the year. This included mapping and developing content across all digital touchpoints. To ensure our performance marketing tactics were measurable, all digital tracking, and ROI modeling was developed. We used various channels such as Google Search, Display, Paid Social on Facebook, and LinkedIn to connect and inspire Pearson’s audiences. Using a custom-built campaign landing page, audiences were bucketed and nurtured through CRM leading to enrollments of various learning products.
The Campaign Ecosystem
The Challenge
Aside from the ambitious timelines, the pressure was on us all to ensure we were ready for the 2019 Q1 enrollment period. Working collaboratively across three of Pearson’s business units meant our biggest challenge was to develop a single message for the various product appeal while creating a single digital experience without cannibalising one business unit’s KPI’s over the other. To overcome this our paid media team together with our data analytics and reporting team ensured on-demand and real-time data analysis and ad optimisations could take place with a high level of transparency on spend and performance marketing activity. This allowed for the teams to quickly share insights, lead quality and ROI results daily.
Unlearn is a campaign that will talk to the fears, doubts and limitations we place on ourselves. It will give the tools to overcome these insecurities and inspire you to keep learning.
60 %
Increase in leads
100 m
Impressions and page take-overs on EWN
8400 +